Editorial Board of Thu Dau Mot University Journal of Science is a open science research organization dedicated to promoting the advancement of science, engineering and technology. Membership is free of charge, and members are actively encouraged to engage in open science scholarly research collaboration and communication.
Members must hold the academic rank of Ph.D. or equivalent in order to participate in editorial review boards. Becoming a member serving on editorial review boards grows your institution’s research exposure, and allows researchers to collaborate and publish scholarly content in open science. Membership allows for wider dissemination of scholarly knowledge and increases the potential for downloads and citations.
Open Science originates with the premise that universal scientific knowledge is a product of a collective scholarly and social collaboration involving all stakeholders and knowledge belongs to the global society. Scientific outputs generated by public research are a public good that should be available to all at no cost and without barriers or restrictions. The editorial review boards embrace the philosophical principle of open science’s universality, freedom, and responsibility.